Thursday, November 19, 2009


She woke up in the morning expecting her parents to come home but to no avail, news came in from the neighbors that her parents had been killed in a serious looting masterminded by Dada, a notorious dictator.With no parents she felt empty at such a young age,she was another victim of Dada's reign.

She prayed everyday for a sign of hope for her family, divine intervention was the only means of hope.Her prayers were answered when an Irish Missionary [an orphan] invested his time and resource to start an orphanage. The orphanage sparked off the start of the African Children's Choir. A Choir, comprising of orphans that have sang wonderful tunes to inspire many around the world.

Many orphans have done instrumental things in the world for example:
  • Nelson Mandela, a prominent freedom fighter in South Africa.
  • Bill Clinton, an American President, who helped the American economy blossom.
  • Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, who has contributed to technological advancement.
We all have gifts and talents but we have to overcome adversity to move forward and have an  impact in the world. Take heart from the wonderful orphans who blessed the world with their gifts and talents.

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