Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The world has come a long way. It is nice to see unity amongst fellow man, especially when it comes to the frivolous white and black division of the past. It is good the old mindset in the western world is diminishing. The wounds caused by discrimination are slowly healing in different parts of the world. Take for example, South Africa, which has changed since the rise of Nelson Mandela in the early 90's, gone are the days of apartheid. Where oppression was as relevant as the sun rising. The spirit of South Africa has been raised, and the fact that they are hosting the World Cup shows how far they have come.

Unity is needed to face any challenges in the world. The wounds of 9/11 would have been permanent, if it was not for unity. Americans got together and the healing begun slowly but surely. The recent calamity in Haiti was atrocious, but seeing the world unite for their cause is something very positive. People from all corners of the world are coming together to bring hope to the victims of Haiti.  Haiti will rise from the dust, and the tears from the earthquake will turn from tears of sorrow to tears of joy after a battle well won.

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