Sunday, October 18, 2009

A day in the kitchen

I was relaxing one dull, cold late afternoon, and I decided to stir up the spirits of the house hold with some East African food, chapatis to be exact. The images below show the whole process:


If you are interested you can contact me for recipes

The chapatis go well with seasoned ground  beef or turkey, split peas, fried cabbage and a lot more good stuff.

I enjoy cooking, it is another activity I do to raise my spirits. Imagine the satisfaction attained, when you put your effort into something, and the recipients of your work say, "job well done."

Personal analogy:.
The last image which shows how sumptuous the food is after various processes, reminds me of how we go through life with excess baggage, and  through good nurturing and education, we end up with good character. A philanthropic character, that can be a light in a dark world; food can also be a light in such a world by being used to feed those who are needy.

We basically need food to grow but it can be used to spread joy and hope to those who lack. The satisfaction a hungry person gets from fulfilling his appetite is  hard to explain. I know people who are moody, but once they eat, a smile is quickly restored, and the person is completely different. So just imagine how many moods can be changed, if food is spread around to the needy. We live in a world where money is wasted in unsubstantial things, but with proper accountability at least the money can restore joy to our world through widespread of food. Melancholy should be short lived, and joy should be everlasting.

I love these quotes about food:
"He who eats alone chokes alone." (George Meredith)

 "One should eat to live, not live to eat." (Garrison Keillor)

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